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CNS Clinic - Jordan - Amman: a neurosurgical electronic clinic established by Porf. Munir Elias 1997 with main surgical activities at the Al-Shmaisani hospital which was established  more than 40 years ago.

The main goal of this electronic clinic is to enrich the neurosurgical audience with new and general information about neurosurgery, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuroradiology and to reflect the daily neurosurgical activities, video-recorded and documented and promoted  in daily basis via internet.

All people around the world are invited to this site. If they have a interesting material, concerning ependymomas, it is a promise to add their material under their name, to share it with the others.

Let us expand our knowledge, let us share our experience and to make it reachable to all, without  obstacles.

Let the next generations remember us as the pioneers in neurosurgical internet space.

CNS Clinic
  Telephone: 0096265677695

Shmaisani Hospital
  Telephone: 0096265607431

Prof. Munir A. Elias Shawash MD., PhD.
  Cellular: 00962795572411



Copyright [2011] [CNS Clinic-JORDAN]. All rights reserved